Sunday, June 15, 2008


Down .60 cents so far. Would love to see $131 area tomorrow. DCR expires June 25th with a value of ($120-Price of oil)/3 so if oil is above $120 then value will be NOTHING :0

BTW Cubed, it was "poppin" not "snappin" ;)


Gcubed said...

Ah Yes!! there was a time in my youte... She was a beaute!! ;)

Ron said...

SKF looks to be increasing in volume. That March run up may well happen again. DJIA may also correct to 12k before starting a new leg up. That's another 300 pt drop which could push SKF to $140.

I don't see the dow just falling apart so soon b4 the (s)election.

Ron said...

Oh, and welcome back Joe! You're a good son to hang with mom. I'm sure she appreciated it.

coinlieutenant said...

Glad you are ok buddy.

Welcome back.