Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Did you check out the article I posted?? I know all pennies are EXTREME gambles but I like that it pulled from the .03 high and the volume has spiked from basically zero three days ago. Like I said, he tells me that they are going to be looking for .20 cents as a buy out price. I'll take a run from .02 to .10!!!!!


Still trying to dig up info, lemme know what you think

1 comment:

Latviski said...

Definitely a DYODD stock; I did read the article and there's room for a BIG gain.

It's a gamble, but a fair one/ decent odds I think. I have little extra money outside of my shorts to play with since I have to hold it ready for a couple of houses I am eyeing up in my city. :) Hoping to put a couple of offers in this week and get some money rolling!