Tuesday, April 15, 2008

I get a kick outta all the GIM guys who think you can avoid paying taxes

Wesley Snipe's case has been going on since I was working @ the IRS. On our intranet we could access all the verdicts of the tax protestors in the US. It was hilarious how moronic the people were that followed their advice and filed zero RETURNS. Then I got to GIM and there were actually people who believed they didn't have to file or pay!!! I'm not saying the gov't doesn't spend excessively, but our tax system is what gives us the freedoms and protection we enjoy every day. It sucks cause it gives gold bugs a bad name when they are soooo cheap.

Believe me the gov't has almost a 100% conviction rate!!!

Prosecutor seeks 3 years in prison for Wesley Snipes
4 hours ago
WASHINGTON (AFP) — Prosecutors said Tuesday they are seeking the harshest sentence possible -- a three-year prison term and five-million dollar fine -- for Hollywood actor Wesley Snipes, following his misdeameanor conviction for failing to pay taxes.
"For nearly a decade, Snipes has engaged in a campaign of criminal tax conduct, combining brazen defiance with insidious concealment," the US Department of Justice said in a statement.
A jury in February found Snipes guilty on three misdemeanor charges of failing to file income tax returns between 1999 and 2004, but acquitted him on felony charges of conspiracy to defraud, and presenting a fraudulent claim to US tax authorities.
The Justice Department announcement on April 15 -- the date when millions of Americans each year are required by law to declare and pay their federal taxes to US tax authorities -- served as a sobering reminder of the dire consequences for failing to comply.
Snipes, 45, has starred in a string of hit movies -- from "Blade 3" to "Demolition Man" opposite Sylvester Stallone and Spike Lee's "Jungle Fever."
Federal officials said however that in addition to being wealthy and successful, he was a particularly egregious tax cheat.
"In the defendant Wesley Snipes, the court is presented with a wealthy, famous, and inveterate tax scofflaw," the statement said.
"Snipes has escaped paying more than 15 million dollars in income tax to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), and has pursued an intended fraudulent harm to the United States Treasury of more than 41 million dollars," the statement said.
"The multifarious nature of his schemes and the deterrence value of a substantial prison sentence for this truly notorious offender call for a full 36 months in prison."
"If ever a tax offender was deserving of being held accountable to the maximum extent for his criminal wrongdoing, Snipes is that defendant," officials said, ahead of the star's April 24 hearing before a federal judge in Ocala, Florida


Gcubed said...

Taxes? Why you're just exchanging money for money! Aint no taxes on that!! ROFL!!!!!!

Tom C said...

I do a lot of overseas internet advertising, and i simply ask to be paid in gold bullion. the money never touches any accounts, but i still get my cash into what i want without paying taxes on that. how can they prove that? and believe me, with gold inching ever higher, im hearing plenty of business friends doing the same.

Tom C said...

here's an older article, but just wanted to post something thatd back up my claim. i assure you ive run in plenty of circles of global internet marketers who constantly request payment in physical bullion.

"AOL to dig for gold at home of spammer’s folks"

this folks, is why i love gold so much. if his cash was in any bank accounts or stocks, it would have been seized instantly. but physically possessed gold, well even the gov cant touch:)