Saturday, April 26, 2008

Becky Quick?????????

You gotta be sh1tt1ng me???? You mean outta the 16 people who voted, only 1 thinks she's in the top 3?????

Remember she's up at 4 AM and we're watching her while we're dragging our a$$es out of bed.

That sucks!!!!!!


Hawkeye said...

I'm da culprit that just luvs becky quick..she's a#1 in my book..sun tea anyone...lmao

Hawkeye said...

Let's see iffin I can post a chart here....testing..1..2..3

Hawkeye said...

So far if you copy and past da link you get da chart..but that's not what I'm shooting for and I don't want to start my own blog.

Gcubed said...

Don't be so damn lazy Hawk! Start a damn chart blog.

Yer Grumpy Buddy,
Cubed ;)

Hawkeye said...

I CAN'T!! I've been living in this house since 94 do you know how much stuff I've accumulated over the years all I've been doing is boxing chit and throwing chit out, and I haven't even made a dent postings on GIM are going to be very few as I've got to get my butt into gear..want to take over the polls for me on the week of june 5th????

Gcubed said...

I have no idea how to do the charts. All I can do is post a list. I'll do that though.

About your other problem, just hire movers!!! :)

Hawkeye said...

I am but they don't pack up your chit...bangs head

But I'm having fun though!

Cubed does your boat ever get into Mobile? That's in da Gulf ya know!!

Gcubed said...

Sure they pack!! I've had it done before. Never been to the gulf. Hurricanes there!! F**K Dat!!

Hawkeye said...
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Hawkeye said...

They can pack????? Now how are they gonna know what is junk and what's a Hawkeye treasure????

Gcubed said...

My Kid can! No problem.

Just mark the Hawkeye treasures with little red paper sticky dots. Ya gits 'em at the office supply store.

Hawkeye said...
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