Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Rule #1

I'm totally off this week, maybe it's cause the tourney starts tomorrow???

I've totally been thinking about mistakes lately and letting my emotions get the best of me.


mdp said...

Got to step back and relax....easy to second guess yourself.

Thing that sucks about the markets is hindsight is always 20/20.

Im thinking gold is at support at 940 which according to cyclist is 50% fib retracement...harry dent said without a followthru today in the dow we are more than likely heading down.

Perhaps if we combine all our reading and research we can keep each other on track alittle.

Just a ponderance....mdp

coinlieutenant said...

Happens to all of us Joe. I agree with mdp though.

I am often in data overload...would be nice to share the load.