Thursday, March 13, 2008


Whats the deal over there? Been staying in VERY tight ranges these past nights. Guess they're a bit scared to commit either way.


coinlieutenant said...

I'm here. Missed out on most today. Super busy at work. I kept my gold btw...hopefully we will get a high CPI tomorrow...and a rate cut on Tuesday.

I am going to miss out next week too. Off to New Orleans on Tuesday for work. Back late Thursday...right in the heart of the trading week.

coinlieutenant said...

Wow...lots of posts today. Sorry to hear about your mom Joe. Early lyme disease isnt anything to sneeze at but she will be just fine.

Are you building SKF and UYG positions right now?

I am down to my core on almost everything. Sold my last GBN non core lot today at 3.75. Last non core AZK at 4.8$ Never thougth it would run to 5$+. Have a bit of non core AUY.

In my GLD at 95.73. Looking to get out at 100 even. Tomorrow might be the pop...all depends on CPI.

Sitting on quite a bit non core SA, but it isnt high enough to sell yet. Did buy some playaround DCR at 8.55$. :)

Other than that, just waiting for some other juniors (Besides GBN) to pop. Frustrated with ECU.