That Sinclair guy is an absolute moron. He's basically trying to have as much of a "cult" following as he can get. He, along with his followers like Ax, keep pumping when you should be booking or shorting. The money they have cost you this past year is sickening. Just yesterday AX posted his usual Yamana to $26 before any pullback chart. I feel so bad that he's playing with people's lives.
It may seem that I'm in the wrong like when I shorted Yamana and it went up a bit more, but in the long run, booking is the way to go. It's great to have cheerleaders like AX, but you have to know when to realize that he's just that (a cheerleader)
Tomorrow we nail this thing again :) ABSOLUTE full proof plan!!!!
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Jim's work definitely has its pros and cons but he gives decent advice to the average gold investor who is looking for long term profits, which gold will undoubtedly produce. He has attracted a lot of attention to gold which has helped us greatly. He's surely helped a lot of other investors who are much less savvy than you are.
As for Ax, this guy is a complete mystery to me, maybe you can enlighten me on who he is. I try not to pay attention to most of his stuff because yes I've been burned by cheerleaders like him in the past. I try and think on my own after learning my lesson. It's crazy to think how many people trade based on his advice. Sometimes I'll wait until Ax and his followers are overly optimistic (last week) then I'll do the opposite. This lately is the only way his work has been useful to me.
Very excited to hear tomorrows plans. Talk to you then.
I don't recall seeing any specific buy/sell recommendations by Sinclair. He paints the market with a broader brush. His "big picture" has given me the framework, direction, and confidence with which to orchestrate my investing strategies.
Ax is a great stock picker. I can't say one way or another about his timing as I haven't followed that aspect very closely. I do believe his heart is in the right place though.
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