Sunday, March 16, 2008


Loving my DGP's thanks again Ron for bringing it to my attention when it came out. Gonna make a mint tomorrow!!

1 comment:

Peter said...

CRAZINESS!!!!!! WOW what a weekend!! Just got in. Joe I think we are in trouble with the UYG. No doubt we will open much lower on that one. Aren't you still sitting on 3 positions near $30? We need some kind of serious rescue plan this week to get us out of trouble here.

Asia is down 500+ seems like total chaos. I wonder whether the miners will decouple or drop with the general market.

Anyone considering putting a buy order on Bear Stearns at $2 in the morning?

As for DGP, I read this post about DZZ and I assume DGP works the same way. These are very new and complex financial instruments, I truthfully can't figure out exactly how they work. I've heard there are many risks because the funds are not only uninsured but your gains are completely at the mercy of the fund, they are not obligated in any way to guarantee you a 2x gain to golds rise. Please read this and maybe if you could make better sense of it for me, ETN's sound very risky in such a volatile market.

Thanks Joe.