Thursday, May 1, 2008


Added @ $95.80


coinlieutenant said...

My 13000 prediction came true. Waiting on 830 gold. Grrr....

coinlieutenant said...

Added TELOZ at 23.95 (a bit early) and CHK 49.10.

coinlieutenant said...

Bought June 110 SKF calls at $3.60

swattsup said...

From Sinclair's site:

"Dear Jim,

What came first, the chicken or the egg?

I don’t know if Gold bugs were crazy to begin with or the volatility just makes them that way after a few quarters.

I can see evidence everywhere on the message boards. Some have flown over the cuckoo’s nest!

Medication is not even going to help some these people!

CIGA Alex"

I must be nuts - bought KGC @ $18.20.

coinlieutenant said...


That is a great price for KGC.

Buy it all up baby!!

swattsup said...

Yeah - just wish I had more ammo. I'm debating selling some other laggard, such as SLW, and temporarily putting it into KGC.

Are there any other miners wound up as tight as this one just ready for a good +30% pop?

Just happen to be up at zero-doom hour. Let's see if we get another early morning plunge in POG.

swattsup said...

Now that's what I call a "V".

They took down gold on the jobs report but the dollar didn't budge and gold recovered quickly.

mdp said...

Only thing better than a V is a Y...

Hawkeye has some nice charting in gim...Worst case for skf is a small wait until profit..but profit is almost a gaurentee...imo

mdp...and good morning again..

out of the downchannel..where will it end, maybe at january highs?

coinlieutenant said...

I closed my short position way too soon on SKF. Dumb, dumb, dumb. :(

mdp said...

Closed as in sold skf? Or did you short skf?


mdp said...

Interesting that if you back out gov't hiring the economy lost like 100k jobs...

Temporary lift to the markets...enabling the big boys time to bail? Just me pondering again.


coinlieutenant said...

I was shorting through covered calls. Bought them back. Made money on the short...but could have made much more.

Didnt see that about gov jobs...intersting.

mdp said...

Bottom of Hawks thread is a posted article...interesting but the usual for a gov't spending out of control...


Is Joe 'out'

coinlieutenant said...

Just wrote an in the money call on CHK for MAY at 50$. Even if it options, I make 6.7% by May. Covered shares were purchased yesterday at 49.10.