Friday, May 16, 2008

Looking good

Looks like a nice day for some booking guys. Yamana wants to break $15, AZK should break $5.20, EGO $7.50 & GORO still SMOKING pushing $5.70. I'm going to the casino with mom before I head home this weekend. I'll update everyone with all my trades and holdings from the past two weeks over the weekend. Looks like we could be getting the run to a new high into the 3rd week of June like Cyclict is calling for. Question is the main markets?????????????????????
Best to just day-trade SKF right now.

DGP STILL a great play IMO!!!!




coinlieutenant said...

Pretty dead around here...anyone alive? :)

mdp said...

Thinking the same thing but having datacard challenges. Cyclist says pullback until 27/28 of may then a new high till the second/third week of june. All of hawkeyes charts look good too.

Time will tell..


mdp said...

Reminds me of the bug's bunny cartoon with him on stage on only the sound of crickets...


Goldfinger said...

I've had a heavy work load lately. So I haven't been posting, but still check in every once in a while.

Looks like the little bear market rally has ran out of steam. I'm thinking SKF is primed for another nice run. I'm as bullish as anyone on oil, but I'm also thinking we have to see some consolidation here somewhere.

mdp said...

Thinking that skf is a sure thing at some point, was thinking we may have gone farther first but guess not...we may be a bit oversold here but the trend is our friend in the longer term.

And down it is...Joe is notorious lol...even FACT gave him a shot yesterday..funny.

Hey Joe hope your well and your mom is doing ok...


swattsup said...
