Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Ran out to get something to eat and what a surprise :)

Everyone happy we lightened up last week now???

Covered half my Yamana short at $18.03.

Not buying into anything yet. Wish I had added more Index shorts this AM!!


Peter said...

That one leaves a bad taste in the mouth. I wish I'd lightened up a little more though, not to mention missing the buy on SKF last week.

Yamana re entry around $17.50 would you say??

swattsup said...

Joe - Ya know, I went out to breakfast too and came back to mayhem. Had bought Yamana & Kinross. so while they are down since earlier I am still well positioned for the comeback.

Now, I booked my profit in DXD as I've had that for a while. I still have others but I'm running short on shorts :-)

Put the money into FCX as this is going back to 107 shortly and EGO just because.