Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Thanks guys

One month anniversary of when we started trading with the blog up and running. Thanks to all your insights, I think we've started off on the right foot.

Tomorrow we get back to the buy em and book em routine and get rolling again. I sincerely appreciate EVERY SINGLE one of you guys helping me out with your advice and much appreciated company during the "workday".

Have a great night


1 comment:

Peter said...

Joe, we should be thanking you. This a great retreat from GIM and other sites which have not proven as useful. I've gained many more authentic insights from you, and it is certainly more meaningful from such a personable level. A great first month, this could be the beginning of something really great.

As for tomorrow, we should be getting back into the "normal" track. Too many curve balls thrown at us the last few days, I've definitely learned some valuable lessons. Got back in the miners today so I hope they show some green tomorrow.

Thanks again Joe for all you do, Talk to you all in the AM.