Monday, March 10, 2008

Seabridge (Courageous Lake)

Economic Assessment complete resulting in 11.6 year mine life with a half MILLION ounces/year production @ $590/ounce cost ($435/ounce cost + $848 million start up costs)

Roughly half Billion Dollars for every $100 POG increase over $590/ounce. So @ $990 POG $2 Billion Value.

Note: This does include Inferred Ounces that are still in the process of being proven.

1 comment:

Ron said...

Good Morning! The Amoxacillin finally kicking in...sinusitis on the run!

Joe, did you check out DROOY's cost per oz? The only 'problem' with it is the Rand/$ exchange rate. I like the Canadian's however...

Yowser! AUY dropping like a rock so far this AM. With gold being as strong as it has and this being the time of year for a correction, $14 - $16.50 might not be out of the question.