Thursday, March 13, 2008


True they look like they want to separate but I think they'll pull back once the enthusiasm of $1000 runs dry and people's margin calls have to be met.

Hey John, how's the trip going?? You had to bring up Seabridge on such a lovely day lol

I'm not unloading any of mine and I too am sitting on a pretty hefty PAPER loss. With 50 million + ounces of Gold in the ground, people will take notice and eventually one of the big boys will come calling looking to buy one of their properties. I simply CAN'T fathom going below $20 (even though we briefly did in January) and KNOW she'll eventually get it into gear.

At least we got out of the $22's and are closing in on $25. If you have another place you think has an upside coming then maybe move half there. EGO is an $8 stock so there's some nice upside there.

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