Sunday, March 2, 2008

Hey John

Aren't Sunday nights the best? I used to hate them when I had a "real" job. Now I have a tough time sleeping as i'm all amped up for the open tomorrow LOL

I think your analysis is DEAD on. Believe me though, I WILL find a place for our money tomorrow ;)


coinlieutenant said...

Sunday nights are good. :) I never have any problem sleeping though. I have two little girls that keep me VERY busy, plus my Navy job, plus my coin business.

My wife always laughs that I hit the pillow and no less than 45 seconds, I am out.

Then it is wake up early, set my buys/sells/ my Bible...get a shower... and off to work.

Tomorrow should be interesting to say the least. We will see if the decoupling happens but I doubt it really. Will be interested to see what you do tomorrow. I might be in pure buying mode tomorrow. I didnt buy anymore AUY as I missed my limit order by 2 cents on Friday. I will see how agressive I want to be. I broke my own rules at 41 and sold my core GG and need to get back in that too. Grrr...

I am looking at adding minefinders and Chesapeake gas tomorrow. I think that natural gas is going to be the next big commodity run up btw.

Peter said...

Hey John,

So you are the "coinlieutenant" on GIM. I understand your complaints, that's why we followed Joe over right? I'm a little too excited to sleep as well, $20 silver is so sweet. I'll probably skip my 9am class so I can be on top of placing orders in the am.

The decoupling could happen much sooner than we think. The recent run up on huge volume is telling me some of the smart money has been loading up on PM's lately.

GG has been a struggle for me to trade as well. I recently sold my entire position around $40 which i've held since $24.60. Great returns but I could have done much better. This one still has a ways to move.

Dollar chart looks scary, where is the next bounce going to come from, I don't know.

Interesting fact, kitco website volume is skyrocketing, maybe the masses are slowly wakening.

Good luck tomorrow, tty all in the am.


coinlieutenant said...

Peter...yup...that is me.

Today might be different that Friday. Some end of month stuff was going on I imagine with the big funds and they might have been taking profits to negate other losses.

Dont skip too many classes!