Monday, March 10, 2008


Is he nuts? He's gotta get himself to Vegas ;)

I'd like to see a morning rally to give us a new entry point for shorts.


Ron said...

Did I miss the first part of this convo? $4300! ??

Yes, how the mighty have fallen. Spitzer, the champion of the little guy, wealthy family money, going after corruption, has the world on a string. Unless, of course, he's pimping prostitution on the sly. He had a good DistAtty opportunity way back when to go after the naked shorts big time. Instead, he went for the naked Johns! Wonder how he'll spin this one??

swattsup said...

A rally would be nice.

I'm running around naked as I sold my last shorts today - DXD @ 62.88.

Couldn't resist buying a block of FCX @ $94. Never thought I would see it this low again.

Gcubed said...

Does she have crabs???

Hey Joe!! Told ya I'd get here!!! :P