Friday, May 23, 2008


Booked the other half @ $1.10 (scares me being in it) Monster move though :)

Hoping for a pullback in the miners to load back up after the recent bookings, Yamana, SLW & DGP basically only gold holdings.

Only 3 SKF lots ($115.67, $116.49 & $117.87) left

Was able to book 39 lots the past 3 weeks (Yamana 9 lots)!!!!!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hey guys

Extremely sorry I haven't been able to post lately. Bunch of personal problems and I know if I post once then I get caught responding and can't pull away so I stayed away all together.

Mom is doing "OK", thanks to all for the kind words. Haven't played with SKF aside from some booking, but GORO, EGO, AZK & AUY have been GREAT!! :)

Took a shot at DCR today and got in @ .86 and sold half @ $1.06 :)

I think we're going back towards $125 with people being nervous holding long over the weekend.

I am 100% back now and will give you guys all my attention!!!!!!!

How's everyone else been doing??? Any good trades????

Friday, May 16, 2008

Looking good

Looks like a nice day for some booking guys. Yamana wants to break $15, AZK should break $5.20, EGO $7.50 & GORO still SMOKING pushing $5.70. I'm going to the casino with mom before I head home this weekend. I'll update everyone with all my trades and holdings from the past two weeks over the weekend. Looks like we could be getting the run to a new high into the 3rd week of June like Cyclict is calling for. Question is the main markets?????????????????????
Best to just day-trade SKF right now.

DGP STILL a great play IMO!!!!



Thursday, May 15, 2008

Thanks guys

Still waiting for them to call. I'm very good at getting what is rightfully mine (or my mom's in this case)

I'm looking at adding some SKF & QID this morning. I'll be on later to post my trades. Sorry I still can't post as often.


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Help please

On May 2nd I bought 25,000 shares of FGOC in my mom's IRA for .51. On that day I had violated the good faith rule in her account, but the money was still available and the trade processed.

Today, 12 days later, she received a call saying that there was a problem that day with 600+ accounts where they shouldn't have been allowed to purchase securities until the three day clearing took place. Very convenient receiving the call after FGOC rises 40%?????

My take:

1. Tough Sh1t, you processed the trade.
2. I obviously didn't sell the shares thus intended to hold so if I had to wait 3 days I would have bought on May 7th at a price under .50.
3. Fidelity purchased the shares on May 2nd thus THEY are enjoying this 40% run-up.
4. Why wasn't I notified between May 2nd and today as I would have bought the shares when I was called.

Anyone have an approach to take? I talked to two levels of management today and someone from risk management is calling in the morning.

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. For all the time me, my mom & my sister waited in FGOC, it doesn't seem fair.

Hey guys

FGOC opened @ .75 on TSX and is currently @ .63 on only 37,000 shares. Usually takes a couple days for people to find new symbol and get it moving. Not expecting anything major before the first pour but we should get back to the .70's VERY soon. VERY glad I added @ .505 as I knew the 90 days was running out on the listing.

I added some IAG @ $6.08 earlier as they had a nice quarter. Didn't bring my laptop with me so using my sister's so hard to post trades. Basically like I said yesterday, SKF should pull back and give us an add around $100. 13,000 should hold and eventually we will start our next decline IMO.

As for Gold, I still think we're looking for $830 as a low (possibly this week????) at which point the miners will look VERY nice.

How's everyone else doing???? I'd love to hear everyone's thoughts/trades!!!!


Tuesday, May 13, 2008


SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Still a buy here as all along I thought we'd be well over $1 by the end of the summer.

Nice day for the people who held on. We WILL be rewarded soon. Back in Rhode Island so wanted to post an update. Pullback in gold today making DGP look like a buy around $20.

Seabridge pushing $22 (thank God), maybe ready for it's run back to $30??

Oil is on ABSOLUTE FIRE, DCR is trading at $1.72???? Thought it liquidated at $3.33????

SKF VERY strong since the $92 area low, I think however that it's gonna pull back a bit the next couple days so add if you can.

I'll try to catch everyone up on the trades made and my holdings ASAP.

MOM went to the doc today and it looks like she doesn't need arthroscopic surgery which is good.

Hope everyone is doing well


Thursday, May 8, 2008

Hey guys

Staying at the HardRock in Orlando tonite and heading to Raleigh, NC tomorrow for the weekend to stay with my college roommate. Mom's doing good, going back to the doc next Tuesday. Absolute fvcking suana down here, thank god mom's cars AC works great.

Was able to book some Yamana, SKF & AZK today via my sis!! Looks like Yamana had GREAT numbers. If gold keeps rising, maybe i'll have to take more vacations ; )

Hopefully i'll be back to posting Tuesday and we're over $900 by then.

Hope everyone is doing great!!



Monday, May 5, 2008


I am soooo touched by all of the concern by you guys. It means more than you can imagine. I'm sorry I don't have time to post on here, but KNOW you guys will prosper.

Best of luck and thanks for the "sincere" help.

Please don't think i'm deserting you guys, as my mom is easily the most important human alive in my eyes :)

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Hey guys

My mom's pretty ill and her doctor doesn't want her going back to Florida. I've been with her the past 2 days and am flying to Florida on Monday to help her roommate close up the mobile home and then drive her car back home. My sister is going to be handling my account and i'll try to post from Florida if possible. I wish you guys the best and apologize for not being here. Hopefully Monday the 12th i'll be back and up and running. FWIW i'm not bailing on my miners and actually added some more FGOC @ .505. Not bailing on my SKF's either. She'll try to do some scalps for me but thats about it.

Good luck guys :)


Thursday, May 1, 2008


Added @ $95.80


Almost there, was looking for the $97 area to add!!

DCR smokin, looking like another 20% day!!


Looks like oil is heading there, will DCR do it's job???????

LOL John

Just old enough!!! Sucks being single ; )

I bought some DCR @ $4.14 I just can't keep away lol


You get my E-Mail? surprise!!!

Horrible Cubed

These girls are gonna be my downfall!!


Absolute free-fall!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tough week

Somehow I got tricked into thinking it was Tuesday when it was Thursday???????????????????

Gotta luv the single life ;)